Everyone likes contests, no matter what the end prize is, you have just as much chance of winning as anyone else who is entering and there is a certain thrill that comes with awaiting the results! The good news is as technology changes so do contents and if you own a business a Facebook content can help your marketing efforts by reaching more users and increasing your digital presence. Here are five tips to get started by Social Media Examiner.
#1: Decide What to Offer in Your Giveaway
Before you get started with a Facebook giveaway or contest, you need to understand your goals (which could simply be to grow your email list) and decide what your offer will be.
The offer is an important factor in getting someone to act now, opt in, register, sign up for a call or appointment, or simply buy what you’re presenting to them after they register. Once you have a clear picture of the offer you’ll be promoting, you can begin planning your contest.
#2: Set a Facebook Contest Timeline
Next, decide how long your Facebook contest will run. This is another critical element of your contest. If you give away something that you sell but your contest is too long people might wait to buy until they see whether they win the contest. You don’t want that to happen. Instead, you want to plant the seed of desire by getting them excited about the contest and the prospect of winning. And while they’re in that state of mind, you’ll still be able to promote that ultimate product or service if they don’t end up winning.
#3: Decide How People Will Sign Up for Your Facebook Contest
Once you’ve selected a prize and a timeline for your Facebook contest, you need to decide where people will sign up for your contest. Will it be a funnel, form, or Facebook Messenger flow? Those are your options.
#4: Promote Your Facebook Contest
Once you’ve mapped out your Facebook contest and how people will enter, you need to encourage people to sign up. Contests are easy to promote because if you have a good prize and an audience of people who actually want that prize, you don’t need to create complex Facebook ads.
#5: Follow Up With Facebook Contest Participants
After people sign up for your contest, you’ll send out emails and text messages—first to confirm their entry and second to promote the new offer again. Don’t do this too much leading up to when the winner is announced but you can have content or value-focused emails where you talk about the new offer. It just shouldn’t be the sole focus of those messages.
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